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Stories. Why do we need them ?

Updated: Sep 5, 2023

Stories. Why do we need them ?

We tell stories to understand ourselves better.

We tell stories to understand the world around us better.

We tell stories to find our way in the world.

We tell stories to share our ideas and wisdom.

We tell stories to share our knowledge.

We tell stories to create an outlet for our imagination.

We tell stories to express our emotions.

We tell stories to share our dreams.

We tell stories to connect with others.

We tell stories to communicate, console, comfort, inspire, motivate, encourage, teach ...

Stories are important.

Our thought process and even our character development is hugely influenced by the stories we hear and tell.

Among other things, I am a storyteller. I have always been one.

But, I also love to hear yours.

Tell me a story .......................... I would love to hear it.


I will include storytelling in the future 'Shubertiades' that I am organising.

More about 'Shubertiades':

Image: 'Grandfather Telling a Story' by Albert Anker (1831-1910) - The Museum of Fine Arts Bern, Switzerland

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Inspiring read. Thank you.

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