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"Inspiring - Healing - Empowering" - What Does it Mean ?

Updated: Mar 15

Many people asked: What kind of healing are you doing in your piano workshops and why healing at all ?

To start with, allow me to explain what I mean when I use the term 'healing'.

Healing in our piano workshops consist of an approach to wellness that simultaneously addresses the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual components of health in a broader sense of its meaning.

We use Pranayama, Nada Yoga techniques, Chromotherapy and other holistic therapeutic and/or self-development approaches, as needed, to remove blocks that prevent our students from using their body, mind, emotions and spirit to their full capacity, and thus enable and empower them to develop their full artistic potentials, and express themselves fully and authentically.

And although the therapeutic sessions in our workshops are led by experienced, fully qualified and certified professionals in their respected fields, by 'healing' we do NOT mean healing broken bones, or treating cuts, bruises, coughs, or fevers. That we leave to other related professionals - doctors of medicine.

I hope I have answered your question.


Picture: by Xenia Elizabeth Zilli (Lightworker Energy Art)

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