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INTERVIEWS WITH MASTERS: Igor Lazko Part IV: Plans For The Future And A Message To Young Pianists

Updated: Oct 21, 2023

Xenia: Igor, I have one question I really want to ask, not only you but every older generation pianist, and that is - how do you see yourself before and now ?

You said that you had more energy before, which is natural for a young person. But interpretation of music is not only about energy and physical strength. What, in your opinion, is the difference between then and now ?

As a musician, do you think you can give more now ? And if so, what can you give now that you could not before ?

Igor: I think that with time our, let’s call it ‘music cache’ grows, it becomes bigger.

Let’s take Schumann, the composer we often talk about, as an example. In Belgrade I played Kreisleriana, Op. 16 and Carnaval, Op. 9. Then Fantasie in C, Op. 17, Abegg Variations, Op.1, and Etudes after Paganini Caprices, Op.3, 3 Romanzen, Op. 28 ……………… Pieces I would most probably play differently now. But how differently, I don't know.

Also, regarding concerts, my view is now, that there are many music pieces which are not meant to be played in big music halls, in front of 800+ people ! Some are only to be played in front of a small group of people, and some for just you and I. For example, before mentioned Schumann's Abegg Variations in F major, you can’t play that in front of 800 people ! Right !?

Xenia: True.

Now, what are your plans for the future, if you have any ? As a piano educator, pianist, musician, and as a person.

Igor: (Hesitating ……) Plans ? I am an old man …. But, ok …………..

As a piano teacher, at the moment, I have about five very good and very promising students. I love teaching; however teaching is not the main goal of my life, not even the professional one.

Other plans …………..

Two years ago, I started to think about recording Bach’s French Suites, BWV 812–817, which in my opinion nobody plays well. Not even Glen Gould ! (laughs)

Each suite has a different 'colour' which I believe is possible to express on the piano. They start from dark colours, dark moods, in minor scales, to reach unbelievably light sunny colours and moods, in major scales. So that - from darkness to light - atmosphere and sentiments, I would like to express and record.

The other idea is to record all Beethoven’s sonatas. There are only a few that I still have to learn in order to master all of them.

Xenia: I am very much looking forward to that.

Now, as a last question – what is your advice to young people who are striving to become professional concert pianists ? What is your general advice ?

Igor: It is very difficult to become a concert pianist nowadays, because a concert pianist should have many skills to succeed. Sometimes, even to improvise .....

Then, they need to learn and master a huge repertoire, have many teachers, attend many master classes, workshops, competitions …. While before they only needed to have one teacher.

Xenia: Is that bad ?

Igor: No, it is not bad, it is different. Totally different ! What is good now, there is Internet, YouTube, Spotify, young musicians could listen to many pianists, many different interpretations, compare, learn, see how other pianists are doing it ...............

And then there is a question, a very important one, young musicians should ask themselves – why do I play ? If the answer is - I cannot but play, I cannot live without it – then they should do it. No matter what !

Interest is very important, but that interest, and the motivation, is in the hands of the pedagogue as well.

Development of a young pianist and his/her success depends on many things, many factors, of which each plays a different role in the process of moulding a young pianists' music personality, and determining the fate of their career.

Xenia: Yes, I absolutely agree. The competition is fierce nowadays, and without that ‘I cannot live without playing’ factor as a main driving motive, everything is viewed from a different perspective, and becomes much more difficult.

Igor, thank you very much for agreeing to be interviewed for my blog. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I hope to continue, first of all learning from you, but also continue collaborating with you, in any way we can think of.

See you soon Igor, and good luck with all your projects. I wish you the best of health and the best of strength to realise all of them.



INTERVIEWS WITH MASTERS: Igor Lazko Part II: Belgrade Years

INTERVIEWS WITH MASTERS: Igor Lazko Part III: Competitions

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1 komentář

Chris Ethan Holmes
Chris Ethan Holmes
17. 10. 2023

Very impressive and heartwarming. Thank you for sharing Xenia.

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