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When You Knock And The Door Doesn't Open

Updated: Jan 12

You know the saying: *"Knock, and the door will open to you". Well sometimes, we keep knocking, and the door doesn't open.

There are many reasons why some doors might not open as quickly as we would like them to. Maybe the timing isn’t quite right yet, maybe the other people involved aren’t ready, maybe we or they need to learn something first ...

It is hard to stay encouraged if we feel that things aren't moving forward, not matter what we do.

But eventually, if we keep going, that door will open.

In the meantime, we should focus on all the progress that we are making in that area and other areas of our life, focus on what is working, and the doors that are opening for us. We should use those reminders of progress to stay encouraged and keep moving forward.

Because, there are other doors that could and would open for us.

There is someone who could and would appreciate what we have to offer.

There is someone who could and would do anything to have us.

There is someone able to see all the potential in us, and would do everything in their power to include us.

There is a place where we could and would feel accepted, acknowledged, supported.

There is a place waiting to bring the best in us where we could and would not only thrive but flourish.

We could keep trying and knock as many times as we need to, but if some door doesn't open, then maybe it is not the right door for us, at least at this moment in time.

The right door may be hidden from view but if we keep looking, it will show itself.

Or the door that has kept being closed for us will suddenly open at just the right time, when everyone is ready.

And when it does, we should be prepared to enter.


* "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."

~ Bible (New International Version), Matthew 7:7-8

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