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What We Focus On - We Attract And Create More Of

Updated: Jan 31

Mother Teresa once said: “I will never attend an anti-war rally; if you have a peace rally, invite me.”

I feel that this needs to be addressed again, and again, and again. And I hope that you will read it, reflect upon it, and give yourself a chance to truly understand what it means in its core.

A simple, short sentence, however so difficult to understand by many. They do not understand that focusing on violence and war, in any way and manner can only bring more of it.

Read Mother Teresa's quote again and again, and meditate on it.

Resist sinking to and dwelling on lower vibration emotions, as that vibration is what you will spread around to others and get back in return !

I ask you to try to understand it.

The universe doesn't know why you vibrate on low frequencies, it just receives low frequencies from you and you dwelling on them spreads them around and back to you and us all.

If you want to help, the way is NOT to focus your energy on things you don't want to see in this world, by talking, posting on social media, thinking about them.

If you really want to help then resist, change your perspective, rise above, and spread that energy around !

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."

~ Albert Einstein

Understand it, and find your way to apply it. (Sometimes we need to train ourselves to think, speak, and write positively, but the outcome is well worth the effort).

One way might be through high frequency music and art, or through helping whenever there is a need, volunteering, uplifting, encouraging, and otherwise supporting those around you .....

Posting about abuse, violence, war, politics etc. on Facebook, Instagram, etc. - is not a good idea at all !

Understand that it is not closing your eyes to what is happening in the world, and denying that there is suffering, it is rather changing the perspective, and rising the vibration, which as a consequence will have rising the vibration around you, and consequently on the whole planet.

Does this make sense ?

If you understand what Mother Theresa meant, then you understand that we co-create the reality around us.

We should focus on what we want to see, experience, and have in our reality. Speak, think, and direct our mind, emotions, and energy to peace - not war ! We should strive to learn how to work with the most powerful law in the universe to create the world we want to live in.

What we focus on - we attract and create more of !

Focus on - PEACE.

Focus on - HARMONY.

Focus on - LOVE.

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2 Kommentare

Chris Ethan Holmes
Chris Ethan Holmes
02. Nov. 2023

Thank you Xenia Elizabeth Zilli, for the breath of freshness and profound sense, and all the light you spread through your music, art, articles, posts ... Peace, Harmony and Love to you!

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Xenia E. Zilli
Xenia E. Zilli
04. Nov. 2023
Antwort an

Thank you kindly.

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