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Updated: Mar 9

Illuminated soul - Illuminated thoughtfulness - Illuminated playing

Beautiful Maria João Pires among stars where she takes us whenever she plays and whatever she plays.

Maestra Maria represents to me all that is best in music - deep emotions, refinement, nuanced expression, passion, poetry, lyricism, wonder, magic ...... and that 'something' that only a very few pianist posses, a quality that is impossible to name, leading to higher states of consciousness, resulting in illumination.

Maria motivates me by example, by soul connection, by emotional resonance, inspiring dedication, hard work and LOVE FOR MUSIC. Love above all.

Thank you dearest Maria, for your music heals, guides, soothes, illuminates, teaches ..... and helps create better pianists, better people and better world.

I compiled a 2 hour long list with selection of Bach's Partitas, English and French Suites, and amazing concertos No. 1, 4 and 5 for all of us to enjoy.

Photo design and rendering: Xenia E. Zilli

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Thank you for compiling and sharing Xenia Elizabeth Zilli. What an asset Maria João Pires has in you! You are the two of the same kind. Kindred spirits.

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