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Spreading the Love of Classical Music: From Words to Deeds

Updated: Feb 22

What can we do to bring classical music closer to everyone, especially those underprivileged and disadvantaged, who did not have a chance to be schooled in expensive renowned institutions, haven't had supportive parents or guardians with plentiful resources, or have the means to frequent concert halls .... ? A subject very easy to talk about, but not so easy to put in practice !

Especially when we see those artists who speak about the concept of bringing classical music closer to everyone hand-picking only young super talents to work with, able to pay for expensive master classes or workshops, leaving older, less fortunate, less privileged behind. Always behind ! When we see them giving concerts or recitals only in renowned halls, with renowned artists, or exceptionally talented young budding ones, we can't believe their preaching about bringing classical music closer to everyone. There is elitism, ageism, and power of money in the first place, very firmly rooted in the classical music world, and whatever some artist say can't make us unsee what we see them doing ! We influence by example ! Not by words and preaching any doctrine. So what can we do ? There are places, less renown but closer to 'ordinary' people. There are municipality halls, small private halls, school halls, community spaces .... With little effort they can be transformed into excellent spaces for piano/music recitals where people from all walks of life can come to listen and enjoy classical music free of charge, or for a small fee.

There is one in my area that I named 'Maria João Pires' hall, a small private place with a maximum of 50 seats. But, it is a place that welcomes everyone. And the entrance is almost always free.

Without much hassle, armed with good will and an unpretentious artist we can start changing the situation one recital at a time. I had that experience many times in the last several months, and I can tell you that the outcome would very much surprise you. How an audience that often consists of people without any music education - manual workers, bakers, hairdressers, plumbers, mechanics, gardeners, elderly who live on a very low retirement income .... could greatly appreciate the music we share with them, is often more than heart-warming, and it is always a huge reward in itself.

And the benefits are immense. After concerts those people go home transformed by centuries old uplifting vibrations of great music, that brings out in them the most refined feelings, which then influence whatever they do and whoever they come in contact with, and in return change the vibration of a world they (and we) live in for the better.

Are you that artist ? The one who truly cares about spreading music, the one who does not discriminate in any way, and is truly willing to bring classical music to everyone, especially underprivileged ones - to those who need it the most ?

If you are, let me know. We could start changing the world together - one note at a time.

NOTE: In 2012, in Belgium, the world renowned pianist Maria João Pires created a project which creates and develops choirs for children from disadvantaged backgrounds as in Belgium the 'Hesperos Choir' (Ancient Greek: Ἕσπερος). Her projects in the 'Belgais Centre for the Study of the Arts' in Portugal often aim to bring music and arts closer to everyone, especially underprivileged.

That's why I named that hall 'Maria João Pires' hall. With respect, love and gratitude.

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Christopher Fawkes
Christopher Fawkes
Jun 20, 2023

Superb project! Congratulations!


Chris Ethan Holmes
Chris Ethan Holmes
Jun 20, 2023

An amazing initiative and a truly altruistic project. Thank you Xenia Elizabeth Zilli for bringing music closer to everyone. Your recitals are always one-of-a-kind, for the quality of performance, for the carefully selected themed programme, for their purpose, and for the outcome, and finally for how well they are always received. You are one courageous, imaginative, very creative and very talented lady. Hats off.

Xenia E. Zilli
Xenia E. Zilli
Sep 04, 2023
Replying to

Thank you kindly for your response, involvement, and continuous encouragement.

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