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Ah KINDNESS. What a simple way to show another struggling soul that there is LOVE to be found in this world."


~ Alison Malee


Takes often no more than a minute or two of our time and effort ..... but could make all the difference in the world for someone ! If given - it builds up and strengthens, and if not given - could even destroy.

But what is kindness ? What is its true meaning ?


Kindness is not a 'show off' quality.


It is not exhibiting it when it suits you and when it is worth your while, to behave in a way that gets you something, when it supports the image of you that you want to build for other people to see ......


Particularly not if you fail to be kind when it really counts, when the situation asks of you to sacrifice something, give something (above the bare minimum), or forgive something for the sake of the other human (in need) out there.


It is not just behaving nicely, when it costs you nothing or very little. Kindness is so much more than just being nice ! It is being kind not only when it’s easy to be, but when it is hard to be too.


Kindness is to be open-hearted at all times, and is motivated by sympathy, understanding, compassion, empathy and generosity. It is also about willingness to reach out and connect with others on a deep level.

Like everything else that we do (positive or negative), kindness has a tendency to create a chain reaction - like a wave that keeps rolling, and all it needs is one person to start it. One seemingly small act of kindness can cause a ripple effect that impacts an entire community and change the world around us for the better.

Kindness is cultivating and offering grace by focusing on the long-term benefits for all, instead of the short-term self oriented ones.


That is genuine kindness. It is a quality that has to be cultivated, and welcoming every opportunity to do so. It takes practice to cultivate it, feel it and understand it.


Cultivate and practice genuine kindness ! Offer grace, be kind !

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