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Free to Create, Create to be Free

If an artist needs to act/behave certain way to be accepted - then I am glad not to be.

I have rarely fitted anywhere, and now, I fully comprehend why.

Surroundings that are not only open to and accept diversity and freedom of expression but also support it - are the only fertile grounds for art, but such surroundings are rare.

Closed-off and boxed-up surroundings, surrounding that expect us to mould to fit their expectations about what art should be and how an artist should 'look' like, suffocate and finally kill creativity on which every art thrives.

Such surroundings discourage budding artists, already established ones, and all artists in-between. Expectations such as to be of certain age, or look certain way, or behave to please those who decide our fate and our place in society, are deeply derogatory, and demoralise many before they even start creating anything.

So, our path to success or even to become a thriving artists is often covered with 'thorns'. Latin phrase 'Per aspera ad astra', meaning 'through hardships to the stars', is sadly true here.

It should not be so though.

Music and art thrive on curiosity, exploration, openness and freedom of expression, and should not be moulded to fit any ideal, any model, any idea, or anyone's concept.

Having this in mind and keeping it close to my heart, I will continue to follow my own heart's and soul's 'calls', whatever the cost, whatever the circumstances, and wherever that leads me.

I will continue to fight for the freedom to create, and create to be free, like that butterfly in the picture, and if you are an artists, I do hope you will too.

"Freedom to explore comes first, formats and rules second." ~ Maria João Pires (the very heart of the 'Belgais Center for Arts' - in the picture)

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Christopher Fawkes
Christopher Fawkes
Jun 23, 2023

So true!

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