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Focus On Yourself And Your Own Growth

People's behaviour always reflects their relationship with themselves.

They can only meet you as deeply as they can meet themselves. They can love you only to the level they love themselves, understand you to the same level they understand themselves, and communicate to the level of their self awareness.

"If you are willing to change your perspective and look at another person's behaviour towards you as a state of their relationship with themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person, then you will over a period of time, cease to react at all."

~ Yogi Bhajan

Do not take anyone's behaviour personally ! It always speaks about who they are, not about who you are.

Equanimity is always a good thing. This does not mean the death of our empathy. We still have a choice whether or not to react to someone, for variety of quite valid reasons. When there is unconditional love someone may treat us unkindly, and we may withdraw and leave, but continue to love. And sometimes even choose to extend that love in a detached-from-the-outcome way. Which prevents filling our heart with bitterness and spreading it around us into the world. Double gain ! And maybe, just maybe, it could reach that person too. Who knows ? But that is up to them and the state of their relationship with themselves.

And after all, everything is learning. Absolutely everything ! If you are enthusiastic about learning and growing then everything that happens to you will be regarded as a challenge put in front of you to help you improve and grow, and therefore not negative at all. Every single challenge will be regarded as positive !

Focus on yourself and your own growth.

Image (lineart and background): Lotus Mandala from the book 'Colouring Book of Patterns, Volume 3: Lotus Mandalas'. ©Xenia E. Zilli

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Thank you Xenia.

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