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Music & Art: FOCUS ON THE GOOD THINGS MINDSET (from a spiritual and scientific point of view)

Updated: Apr 7

It all starts with raised awareness ..... Focused attention.

One of the good things about being fully aware and not being on autopilot is the ability to CONTROL WHAT WE EXPOSE OUR BRAIN TO. Because more we expose it to bad contents (news, etc.) the more we are likely to live the life through fear. Especially with visual imagery.

So, we should be very careful what we look at, watch, read, but also control social media so we do NOT see posts about war, violence, abuse etc., so that what we see there is as positive as possible !

How sad is that the posts about war for example, get much more attention than posts promoting peace. Because everyone 'sympathises' !? However what that sympathy is in its core, is focusing on negative, and giving that a priority by giving it our attention. It IS as simple as that.

Again, and I am repeating this, it is not denying that there is suffering in this world, but rather programing our brains, so that our overall energy vibration rises, and therefore influences people around us, and finally the whole planet.

We need to be feeding our brain positive things ! To keep ourselves confident and moving forward positively. To manifest positive. As we attract what we focus on !

What I am saying is now even scientifically proven, through neuroscience and neuroplasticity.

We are at the beginning of a new era, where spirituality and science have started to merge. Where more and more professionals realise that we are able to change our reality by training and re-wiring our brains. An era where processes that have been acknowledged, explored and utilised by spiritual teachings for centuries can be finally not only proven, but also fully utilised by science too. Where those processes stop being regarded as a 'woo-woo' or a 'belief', and started to be fully recognised and accepted as not only spiritual but also physiological processes. Where understanding and utilising those processes becomes an inseparable part of medicine, health system, education, art ...

But that acceptance should not be only in theory and words, it should be deliberately practised, experienced, and fully understood to work.

So, I choose to interact, collaborate with, or be treated or taught (doctors, teachers, coaches, etc.) only by those who fully understand and are able to put this into practice. Not only in words. But with complete understanding and experience behind their words !

I cannot stress enough how important this is.


Now, how does this mindset affects my work and how do I put it into practice ? Into my music making, my teaching, my workshops, my art creating, my writing .......

Applying the same mindset and awareness (being also spiritually educated and trained), I, and people I am working with, merge music, arts, yoga, and 'healing' on all levels, with a deep understanding that creating art is a reflection of what an artist is as a whole, a reflection of their state of mind, consciousness, and energy vibration - not separate from it.

Therefore working on the whole individual - body, mind, emotions and spirit - their energy vibration and mindset too, rather than just teaching them 'how to' do something (e.g. play piano etc.). Working with them on re-wiring their brains, inspiring them to reflect, to recognise patterns that block them, change their habits ... all in order to become the truest, most authentic version of themselves, as artists and as people. Where controlling what they expose their brain to plays a very important role.

[ How to do all that we can explore together in my workshops: ]

Therefore collaborating with experts in those fields who share the same awareness and mindset, serious spiritual seekers and self-development enthusiast.

It all started decades ago with Maria João Pires' vision, and then continued being developed, adapted, and perfected by her students and mentorees all over the world. An alternative, holistic approach and method being constantly reinvented, challenged, improved ........

A step into the - future - where spirituality will be merged with everything we do, music and arts included.

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1 Kommentar

Chris Ethan Holmes
Chris Ethan Holmes
16. Nov. 2023

Very inspiring read, again. Thank you Xenia Elizabeth Zilli.

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