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New Year, New Beginnings ...

Updated: Mar 1

I am a little late, but better ever than never.

What is new about me in my 2024, is that I won’t body-shame, or any-shame myself. I won’t be ageist or sexist towards myself.

I won’t measure myself to toxic femininity, and I will let go of the illusion of perfectionism.

I won’t sabotage myself; I will give myself the benefit of the doubt, as I will give myself second, tenth, hundredth chances …….

I will compliment myself with loving kindness when I deserve it, and I’ll be firm with myself when I need it.

I will do much less overthinking, overdoing, and overachieving, and much more overcoming.

I am improving my skills in respectfully getting away from toxic people and situations, whoever they might be – including close family.

I also want to acknowledge the things I already accomplished - not only to focus on wishes but also on actions. Like the fact that I said ‘no’ to one situation that kept bringing me down, and did not allow it to keep me in its claws, dependent !

I am learning to differentiate between limitations and boundaries, and I am learning to trust humans again.

I am becoming much better in recognising who is worth the gifts of my time, my trust, my confidence and my affection, and give them only to those who earned them and reciprocate them, and detach and remove myself from people and situations that don’t.

I am becoming much better in recognising who is worth to have me as their patient, as my body-mind-emotions-spirit unity is precious and should be given to care for only to those who take it as such and who are able and willing to give their 100% to it.

I learned not to accept half ways, half treatments, half half heartedness, or half anything ! I deserve as much as I give and that is 100% !

I learned (hard way) not to share my creative ideas and projects with anyone, unless they proved they are worth my confidence over a very long period of time. I tend to be very enthusiastic, very open, and very trusting, especially when I like someone, but not everyone deserves it.

I became much better in making my voice heard when I have something important to say, and when I need to stand up for myself and those who need it.

I am learning to stay quiet when I feel that I will be misinterpreted or misunderstood, or when I choose compassion and love over speaking out (like the fact that I deleted one absolutely true and honest review because it was hurting someone I cared about, and decided not to write another - I do have a soft heart).

I learned that some difficult and even hurtful situations indeed make us stronger if we stay open to the lesson they teach us and do not allow them to fill our heart with bitterness.

I learned to 1000% trust my heart and my intuition, as they have proved to be always right !

More about that later. For now, I will just get lost. And found. And positively - get lost again .......

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1 commentaire

Beautifully written! Such a honest, heartfelt read. Thank you.

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